Parish Spotlight
- Sunday Masses Schedule
- Sunday: 06:00am, 08:00am, 10:00am & 06:00pm
- Know Your Faith/Catholic Doctrine
- Sunday: 5.00pm
- Weekday Masses Schedule
- Monday - Friday: 6:00am & 06:00pm
- Saturday: 06:00am
- Baptism
- 1st and 3rd Monday: 04:30pm
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- After Morning Masses: Saturday
- Parish Office Hours
- Monday - Friday: 07:30am - 05:00pm
- Father's Office Hours
- Every Wednesday
- Time: 07:30am - 11:30am
- Chapel of Perpetual Adoration
- Everyday: 07:00am - 07:30pm
- Catechism Classes (RCIA)
- Sunday: 04:00pm
- Visitation of the Sick (Sick Call)
- Every Tuesday

CYO Nigeria was founded in 1985 to create a youth organization for young Catholics in Nigeria. CYON emerged in the context of a concern of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) that the young Catholics and local Catholic youth organizations in Nigeria should celebrate the International Youth Year (IYY) declared by the United Nations in 1985. Several meetings of chaplains responsible for youth affairs and youths leaders from the various dioceses of Nigeria took place to plan a national Catholic youth rally. From this type of rallies finally CYON emerged as a nationwide umbrella for Catholic youth work in Nigeria. In 2010, at the General Assembly in Munich, CYON was adopted as a full member to the international umbrella of Catholic youth organizations "Fimcap". Currently, CYON is building up a cooperation with a Muslim youth organization to foster peace in the country and to begin an inter-religious dialogue. - Activities - Workshops and seminars Rallies and conventions Camps Skills Acquisition Cultural and sports festivals Exchanges, excursions and pilgrimages Youth retreat, counseling.
Mission: To build Christian commitment in young people by providing a friendly and open atmosphere for Youth to learn and serve in Christ name and develop Christian friendship and apply their faith in their daily lives.