Parish Spotlight
Sunday Masses Schedule
Sunday: 06:00am, 08:00am, 10:00am & 06:00pm
Know Your Faith/Catholic Doctrine
Sunday: 5.00pm
Weekday Masses Schedule
Monday - Friday: 6:00am & 06:00pm
Saturday: 06:00am
1st and 3rd Monday: 04:30pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
After Morning Masses: Saturday
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 07:30am - 05:00pm
Father's Office Hours
Every Wednesday
Time: 07:30am - 11:30am
Chapel of Perpetual Adoration
Everyday: 07:00am - 07:30pm
Catechism Classes (RCIA)
Sunday: 04:00pm
Visitation of the Sick (Sick Call)
Every Tuesday





The catholic women organization is an umbrella organisation where all members are light to the world and reflect love, unity and peace of the Kingdom of God.


The mission of the organisation is to rally and motivate members to utilize and harness their energy and resources for evangelisation and transformation of society by fulfilling their roles in the family, Church and society in the footsteps of Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.


v To unite all Catholic women of Nigeria in purpose, direction and action in religious, educational, social, cultural and economic fields;

v To unite all Catholic women of Nigeria and direct them for the purposes of love, light, unity, and peace amongst them and all people;

v To give priority to the Christian formation of all members of the Catholic Women Organisation Nigeria, through an emphasis on unity and a deeper understanding and participation in the life of the Church leading to a greater appreciation of the role of a Christian in today’s world;

v To serve as a medium through which the Catholic women of Nigeria may speak and act as a unit for the good of the Organisation, our country and the world at large;

v To render assistance to Catholic women in their efforts to give service in their respective fields;

v To encourage, establish and maintain inter-religious and intra-religious relationships with other religious organisations sharing similar or complimentary aims and objectives in Nigeria and abroad without compromising Catholic morals and values.